
So, Wednesday morning, I was running around like a mad mamma trying to find clean pants, {which I did not find} making breakfast for myself and the boys, {eggs anyone?} and quickly scrolling through my email- all while getting ready for MOPS. (a moms group I attend) As I scrolled, I saw a new comment. Ahem. I will publicly announce that I was a bit of a giddy school girl… because it was from one of my favorite Blog bloggers… ? Layla from TLC. {hi} And then I thought, wait do I blog about my geekness? {I decided the answer was no, but I did post this on instagram}

caption: “Hi, I’m Ashlea and one of my favorite bloggers commented on my blog. #geek”

And then I thought, I would be remiss not to.

remiss |riˈmis|adjective [ predic. ]lacking care or attention to duty; negligent

I also thought.. shoot. I knew I should have had Matt take my pictures… 😉

Anyways. All of this to say- that blogging is strange. I fiddle, and kind of still pretend that no one reads my blog… even though those numbers keep creeping up {most days}… but seriously. Its weird. But, also, cool. I have found soooo much inspiration from some of my favorite blogs, been introduced to some really neat things (Camp Whatawega people. serisously cool) and have finally figured out what I like {thanks Pinterest}. I have also realized that there are other people out there like me who walk into a new place, notice the trim, floors, paint color… room layout, and instantly assess the functionality*. {I’m not judging! just assessing} I notice things, paint things, and suffer from chronic “I can make that” syndrome. The fun thing is, so do other people! And they blog about it. It is a fun process, and I am having fun creating my little things, knowing I will get to share them on my blog… at some point! {I promise I really did makeover my sisters brick fireplace, and our kitchen! and our bedroom and my MIL’s bedroom…} {okay, the last 3 are not 100% finished yet}

So, the interesting thing about life is this. After my giddy morning, Wednesday ended up being quite the day/night. and Thursday too. All this to say, that I am happy I know Jesus {ADD?} And please pray for a sweet friend of mine who is facing some major things. God is good. He gives us little sunburst amidst the clouds.

*P.S.- please do not do this when you come to my house. I already know… and have decided we’re moving 😉


Tonight I am posting random pictures of my boys because they are my little sunshines… and because I love them, they are cute, and its my blog 😉

creating like his mama. ❤

I love this photo because you know… they are just enjoying giant bowls of snow.

oh my heart. I love this little guy.

All moms, please take note of the state of our hall closet. Just so you feel a little bit better about yourself, my house is a disaster 95% of the time.


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