Flower Child

So, last week while I was visiting I am Momma Hear Me Roar, I took a look at her tutorial for the Autumn Bloom Belt. Which gives very detailed instructions for crafting your own autumn bloom belt, from felted flowers. So, I decided to make one in all my spare time… which you see here pictured to the left. And then something happened… I though, why not make a few more for fun… and maybe attach them to some blazze (sp?) headbands. So I did, and this is what I made…Well, one of them. Because I also made one in navy, red and white… but I didn’t take a picture. So you can just pretend.

But then, something else happened… and I might have gotten a little headband and felt happy… and let’s face it, crazy with the glue gun! But, I decided to try a different technique with the flowers… and this is what I came up with!


I was really happy with how these turned out… so cute! And then, things got a little more crazy… ok. Not that crazy. But, because I was using scrap pieces of felt, I decided to try intermixing colors… stand back! Because I loved it…

I know… a little overkill… but I only made 5 plus the belt one, which I didn’t actually attach to a long ribbon as per the tutorial. Instead, I just attached it to a small strand of ribbon, and can tie it on to a purse, a belt, or pint it to myself in some way shape or form. This one in particular (up there) is really adorable on Baby G… alas. He pulls it off in 3 seconds, as little boys would…So, I recommend you try this! They are so simple, and cute! And I think they would be totally darling for a baby or toddler photo shoot… but since I don’t have any girls, I will just prance about as the headband girl! Good way to jazz up a bun or a crazy  mane!

And now, time for the self portrait.

I would also like to take a moment to say sorry for my lack of posts in the last few days? (maybe just feels longer to me, because I have so many ideas!) But I am up to my eyeballs in projects… stairs, chairs and automobiles… and so there are things that must be done! BUT I still have the amazing fireplace reveal from my sister-in-laws place (they went on vacation for 2 weeks, and she’s got the pics… ;-)) I’m not just talking it up…  It is coming, not to mention a trazillion furniture revamps, and some decor ideas. And let’s not forget my rants… Rant sounds a bit negative… Let’s say passionate speak, because I have a humdinger dialogue going on with myself about 3 year olds and computer skills… don’t even get me started.

flower child?

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