Friday Feature: The Sailors Wife on Etsy

Today I want to introduce you to the beautiful lady behind The Sailors Wife, Mrs. Kalie Watt. Her Etsy shop is almost as cute as she is (she is seriously cute) and offers a variety of hand printed stationary, cards, hair pretties and darling rice bags perfect for cozying up with a favorite book. I first met Kalie about 5.5 years ago, while I was going through some major “life stuff”, and this girl sure was a breath of fresh air. She is the kind of person that will go out dancing in a field under the stars, visit over tea or hop on a plane to Africa. She is a genuinely beautiful person, and I was so thrilled (and proud) to hear of her starting up her Etsy shop. So, without further adieu, I bring to you The Sailor’s Wife 😉

AK:  For those readers that don’t know you, describe yourself in 3 sentences or less. Ready, Go!

Kailie Watt: I’m kind of like that little girl on the playground who daydreams on the swings. I’ve always loved color, style and composition. I’m most happy when I’m with dear friends, a warm mug in hand, and a cozy couch (with great pillows!)

AK: What inspired you to start up the Sailors Wife on Etsy, and how did you decide on the name?

B) KW: I’ve always toyed with the idea of starting up my own business but was never sure when to take the risk. Combine a supportive husband with a wife who realized she needed to pursue something she loved – and here we are! The name “The Sailor’s Wife” was entirely inspired by the inner kid in Mark and I. Mark lights up when he sees a beautiful boat and let’s face it, I’m smitten with my pirate.

AK: How would you describe the feel behind your products?

KW: To me, it’s Alberta Prairies meets the West Coast. A charmed mix of modern, minimal, nautical and maybe even a touch of country vintage.

AK: Some of us have a large kitchen table, others a studio space devoted to their work, where do you do most of your crafting?

KW: After bribing Mark with his favorite meal, I took over our ‘once shared’ home office! It’s a white room with two warm wooden desks that face each other. Making my creative space large enough to be practical and small enough to feel at home. I love mason jars for storage and colorful accents to keep me inspired.

AK: In a culture that seems to be over run with the word “busy”, what things help you to keep grounded, recharged and refreshed?

KW: I am rejuvenated when I’m alone with space to dream big! I love driving in the sunshine, reading books, searching for travel sales, praying, cooking and singing to music so loud it drowns me out.

AK: Any exciting plans for The Sailors Wife in the future?

KW: We’re just coming out with a line of canvas wall art. Simple and clean. I’m really looking forward to sharing it!

Photos Courtesy of The Sailors Wife.

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